Nail Your Niche
Learn how to share your gifts with the world and get paid what you're worth in the process.
Enroll in Course for $299
You are a beautiful and unique being. It's time to stop trying to fit yourself into a box that was created by someone else, and let your true light shine.
We love to compare ourselves to others. We love to worship the gurus in our niches and try to do what they do so we can have what they have. We love following the advice of our friends and family members who have a great idea about the way we should live our lives, or the type of work we should do in our short lifetime.
The fact is, you are here to grace the world with your meaningful and inspiring message. It's time to tell your story and share your unique gifts, because there are so many people out there that need what you have to offer.
In this course, I'll walk you through a process and a series of techniques that you can use to finally get clear about the ideal niche for YOU, and then to show you how to get your message in front of the people who will happily pay you handsomely for what you have to share.
You're life and your business will never look the same again when you finally get out of your own way and truly let your light shine.
I can't wait to see you in class!
Does any of this sound familiar?
I know it can be scary to step into your full potential and share your gifts with the world.
I’ve heard many, many limiting beliefs come up for other entrepreneurs (and had the same beliefs myself), trying to tall them out of taking the leap.
Yes, you absolutely do. When you share and teach something that's so near and dear to your heart, you will produce a product that will be so insanely helpful to your specific audience that they will be chomping at the bit for your work. You’re meeting a need that they have, fixing their problems, and making their lives easier through your knowledge and expertise, and they will gladly be willing to pay for the amazing results that your product will bring them.
If people are already selling products and courses in your niche, that is a GOOD thing. It means there's already and audience who wants what you have.
And, no matter how many people are already teaching something, none of them are YOU. None of them have the same experiences and life credibility that you have.
The world needs you to rise up and serve... there are far more people in need of what you have to offer than there are teachers and leaders.
You don't have the be the world's biggest expert on your topic. As long as you are one step ahead of your audience, you can teach them something. And this is often the best place to be because you can relate to their struggles more closely, and they can relate to you and follow on your coat tails, since they are where you were no long ago.
No, you don't. With the assistance of all of the step-by-step tutorials inside of this course, and the community you will have access to, you will never have to feel like you are alone on your journey.
And you will also have access to the Content Creation Lab so that you can literally work on your course in the (virtual) presence of your colleagues. Together we will help you get 'er done.
"And, even if I could create a course, I wouldn't know how to make it easily accessible for my audience.”
That’s where Nail Your Niche comes in. This course will take you step-by-step through the course creation process AND show you exactly how to get your course up and available for the world to purchase.
I've already done the heavy lifting by racking my brain and enduring countless struggles with membership platforms and merchant accounts so that you don't have to. Why try to figure it out on your own when you can just follow my simple process instead?
You can do this.
Will it take some work? Yes. Will there be times that you want to quit? Probably. But always keep that end goal in mind: Creating your own courses will give you the ability to create a passive income stream that will keep working for you over and over and over again. You can make sales while you’re sleeping, while you’re on vacation, and while you’re playing with your kids. And this proven system can help you get there.
As a Leader, I’m very particular about who I endorse. That said, I strongly believe in Amy Starr Allen’s talents and ability to lead people toward their goals.
I’ve had the sincere honor of working alongside her and can attest to the fact that her success, expertise, and skills are surpassed only be her profound integrity and desire to serve others.
She’s a heart-centered leader and one that I would strongly encourage anyone to follow in their entrepreneurial journey. If you have the opportunity to work with her, take it. You’ll be glad you did.
Your Instructor
Hey there! I'm Amy Starr Allen and I'm the founder AmyStarrAllen.com and the Find Your Voice Rock Your Blog Podcast where I teach online entrepreneurs and bloggers how to turn their passion into profits by sharing their unique gifts with the world.
I love helping people to get paid to do what they love while they leave their unique legacy and make a lasting impact for their audiences. Now, I'm here to teach you how to do just that in your business. Let's get started.
This course is for you if…
- You know you have something to share that can make a difference for people, and you're ready to finally share it and get paid for it.
- You feel like you've been spinning your wheels in your business, and you're unfulfilled and not even sure you're in the right niche.
- You're mystified by what it takes to create a membership site that people will pay to get access to, and are completely intimidated by the technology aspect of things.
- You're itching to share your gifts but have no idea where to start.
- You're busy and you want to take the easiest path possible to get your course completed and online for sale in as little time as possible.
This course isn't for you if…
- You love to teach but but don't have an interest in growing a community, following, or income.
- You aren't willing to invest your time or money into your business. This course teaches a lot of time-saving strategies, but will still require some dedicated effort on your part -- especially in the beginning.
- You have no interest in teaching anybody anything or earning passive income.
Course Curriculum
StartFinding the Ideal Niche for YOU (8:25)
StartGetting Specific About Your Target Audience (5:39)
StartCreating a Story About Your Avatar So That You Can Better Serve Them (7:17)
StartHow to Master Your Niche and Stand Out Above the Noise (18:26)
StartCreating a Powerful Bio to Position Yourself in Your Niche (17:27)
StartModule 2 Workbook
StartNarrowing Down Your Niche (8:43)
StartDoing Market Research to Find Out Exactly What Your Audience Needs (19:23)
StartHow to Use Quora and Amazon to Find Our Exactly What Your Audience Wants, Needs & Is Willing To Pay For (11:21)
StartHow to Use Keywords in Your Market Research (7:15)
Amy goes above and beyond. She is a teacher and a mentor. There are many that talk, and there are few that walk that talk. Amy is one of the few! I feel blessed knowing her, and being able to learn from her.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Amy Starr Allen- I think your training worked on my subconscious. I might have found a new niche! You ROCK, Amy!”
- Leslie Lane Peabody, Online Entrepreneur